Teaching kids - tips on becoming teacher

If we look up for the term teacher in any dictionary it will immediately show us the following results, that it is the one who is hired to either teach students, or the one that teachers or a person's occupation.

In ancient times the men that were learned by default worked as a teacher, where nowadays you will need to spend four years in university so that you can work that stressful work. Or is it stressful indeed ?

Before I move on with the answer of the question above I want to write down something briefly about the history of teaching. Who is a teacher? A teacher can be anyone only if it teaches or delivers knowledge to the pupils. If we move from a perspective like that we can say that a teacher can be a parent, a karate master, a classical teacher in high school with spectacles.

Nevertheless, what I really wanted to point down is that I as a teacher want to share some impressions about this occupation based from my teaching experience. I work as a teacher of history which by default it makes the atmosphere more boring. At first, I remember the days where I was obsessed by the fact that I as a teacher have the responsibility to teach my students. So, instead of focusing on other things my focus was placed on teaching the boring facts from the history. And after some time I began to find my occupation being stressful, thinking that I am not the one I should do this type of work. As I was determined to quit my job I began to relax myself more and more and agreed with the fact that nobody would listen to me since I am boring as the subject itself. So what I did is that I went to the classroom as always children not showing respect toward me which made me more disappointed and reinforced my will to quit on my job. Since i put no efforts on trying to teach them, I began to ask them questions like why is that I cannot make an effective teaching. As I was beginning to talk with them an idea popped up in my head and somehow found a way to link the subject matter of communication to the lesson itself. And, what was more surprising as I was interacting with them I began to render or to teach them more and more about history. As I was becoming friend with my pupils my class was becoming more and more effective. Without labouring the point more and more I wanted to write down some tips on how to become more effective at your job.

First, try to establish a good communication with them, try to be a kid so you can join them. Show them respect and never demand either they become quit or something like that. It is cliche, the kids of this era are too spoiled. So, in trying to become cruel won't take you anywhere. If children don't listen don't put efforts to redirect their attention to the lesson by implementing silly game activities (methods that I hate the most). Instead, you just ask them what's the problem you need a minute of break, if so you can have it but you they must know that afterwards it is their time to play fair. Never, stop talking, as a teacher you should know that you are the boss of that room so you are in charge of anything. The moment you stop controlling their attention you have lost your chances of teaching them something that day. If your students are unmanageable you should try and find the root of its problem so you can eliminate an obstacle. Finally, I can say never give up the moment you have given up something will pop up. You just need to remember three things, they are children and need attention, be cool, be polite, and show respect. After you have deserved you self esteem, the group is yours, you can feel free to teach them.

If you by any chance have a question on this issue, feel free to comment above so we can exchange views.


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