The master of lightning - Nikola Tesla

To those that are not familiar with the legendary name Nikola Tesla I can say that this scientist is referred as one of the greatest electrical inventors to have ever lived. He is seen as an unique scientist because with his technological achievements he changed the territories of America from a nation where people lived in isolated communities to a country connected by power grids where information was available upon demand.

Nicola Tesla was born in a place now belonging to Croatia, a Serb by origin which he went to America as a young student with an introduction letter from Charles Batchelor to Thomas Edison. However, what I really want to write down is why he is being regarded as a great scientists? If we take a look to our modern society without the inventions that Nicola Tesla made we will be surprised to think how poorly developed it could have been. 

There wouldn’t have been any industry, the factories would have been empty, cities swallowed by darkness. Concepts such as radar, radio, television, would have sound as something unknown. So here we see his huge contribution to people. How life was made much easier and better for people .The second point that I want to draw your attention to would be What kind of person Nicola Tesla was ?

His personality is still a mystery wrapped up in secrets. However, on the surface quite well there could have been seen the lineaments of his personality such as deep fantasy, introversion, curiosity, rationality, austerity.
On an interview, as a reply to the question whether an artist or a scientist should be married, he has replied by saying “yes a musician or an artist should or can but that is not the same case with the scientists”.  He thought that women would be as an inspiration to an artist but when it comes to scientist he has said that if someone could count a few scientists that were happily married. 

Also Nicola Tesla is thought to have been suffered from various phobias. He has shown traits of obsessive compulsive disorder (irrational fear of germs).
Some say that he has claimed to have established contact with UFO’s whereas others claim to have made a time machine etc..

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