Afterlife proof - the existence of soul

Human beings are curious by nature. Its curiosity has lead the humankind to a great technological achievement. Therefore, we can say that the curiosity has its positive traits nevertheless, we shouldn't forget that there may be some negative or either weird, bizarre traits. From its existence mankind was having problems for answering some crucial questions; like what is the purpose of our existence, is there a life form on another problem, what happens after we die. Inspired by the above given philosophical questions I decided to find on some attempts either scientific or spiritual in nature to explain some of the questions given above.

Haunted by the question if there was a life after death some of scientists have gone one step further so that they can find the answer of the cosmic question. For instance, parapsychologist Konstantin Raudive popularized the idea of the EVP experiment. This typical experiment is a mysterious event which captures human sounding voices from an unknown source which were heard on a radio. Most of the EVPs were captured on audiotape. What makes this fact more weird is that the voices are not heard during the recording but only after the tape is being played.

I have always wondered why is that with the appearance of some eccentric scientist and by excluding other healthy scientists throughout the human history scientists were labelled as being crazy.
However, it is the fact that a scientist would do anything only to satisfy his hunger for knowledge.
So, i shall continue with Dr. Duncan Macdougall who in order to find out if the human soul exists has designed 6 special beds for 6 dying patients, so that he can see the moment they give away their final breath if they will lose any weigh. In other words we can say if the soul weighs. According to the results of this experiment the patients lost approximately 3/4 ounces which equals 21.3 grams. What makes this experiment more creepier is that the scientist has conducted the same experiment by involving animals.Here it gets more interesting; the results showed no changes in weight.

Another experiments that is interesting to some extent is the experiment known as the Phillip Experiment that was conducted during the 70s by the Toronto Society of Physical Research. The main point of this experiment was if a historical character would show himself through the group's effort of concentration. Therefore, they created a character which named him Phillip, shaped his fictional personality, drawing how the ghost Phillip would look so that it can be more vivid. So, the members of the group memorized his personality, saw how the ghost look and after many seances the experiment was brought to an end because such character did not appear.Here it gets more interesting, Phillip marked his arrival knocking on the table. Afterwards, the group arranged with Phillip to answer by yes or no. which means they have began to communicate. However, one of the participants apparently panicked and expelled the ghost by saying that you don't exist it is us that created you.

If by any chance you wonder how the seances looked like here bellow i shall post one picture so maybe you together with your friends can arrange something like that. But before that make sure that nobody panics.

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